The Front to Back Inside and Out

This old article by Paul “Stokeman” Stokes just made it’s way across my desk. Here’s the beginning of it:

The front to back (F-B) is known as the trick that separates the men from the boys or takes women to the world level of the sport. Even at the National Championships there are many competitors that perform the back to front but very few outside of the open division perform the front to back. It’s a trick that every barefooter wants right from the start. This trick is also widely thought to be a very difficult trick. I’m here to tell you that this is an easy trick when #1 you’re ready for it, #2 you go about learning it properly, and #3 you have persistence.

If you want to read the rest of the article, follow the link. I think everything is current except for Paul’s contact info at the end of the article.

New Look, Same Great Content

Hey  Everyone, I’ve been doing some site updates around here the last few days. You may have noticed a little different look to the site. Everything is still here, it just looks a little different and may keep changing as I work on the layout I want.

Anywho, one of the changes involves a new banner image across the top of the site. The current image features me on one of my epically bad attempts at a tumble turn from a few years back. Yes, that is suppose to be a tumble turn. Don’t even ask why I’m not on my back, or why it looks like I may be trying to break dance… poorly. As I said, it was epically bad. Makes for a good picture though. I’ve got some others too.

Here are some other great pictures of epically bad tumble attempts…

Finally, I’m glad you’re still reading. Do you have a funny picture related to the sport of barefooting? Or a spectacular wipeout caught on film*. Send it my way with a paragraph describing why it should be plastered across the top of this site and it may just end up there. Send it to wedge[at]talesfromthefoot[dot]com with a subject of TFTF Header. Just keep in mind that the header is typically a very wide picture that isn’t very tall, so I may have to creatively crop it to get it to work up there.

*Film being the digital 1’s and 0’s that capture the images today.

Footstock 2010 Poster

I’m really not sure what to say about this poster for Footstock this year. I will tell you that Footstock takes place on August 21-21 this year up in tiny Crandon, WI. I honestly don’t know if it’s the oldest Figure-8 tournament around, but it is definitely one of the biggest and typically draws some big name footers like KSO, Stokes and Mahnke. Don’t know all those names? Do some research and you’ll realize why they are big names.

One of the truly unique aspects of barefoot figure-8 tournaments is they’ll put a big name footer up against a no-name footer. Both footers feel the pressure. One footer has to live up to the expectation his (or her) name carries and has no desire to faceplant against an unknown footer. The other footer? He (or she) has the opportunity to let the world know who they are by knocking of an elite barefooter.

Want more details? Contact Gary Mueller at

Barefoot Chick Fest… It’s On!

Ladies, check you calendars and make plans to head to the Blue Moo on June 19th. This info was recently spotted on both Facebook and on and is from Shauna Pasanen, one of the organizers of the event:

Female barefooters invite you to join an all girl three event barefoot tournament, Barefoot Chick Fest 6/19/10, at the Blue Moo Lake in Alma Center, WI . We encourage you to come out and take part in this great event. If you need help unlocking your potential we will be offering a Barefoot Clinic for Girls only, no boys allowed!

June 17th and 18th. This is a wonderful opportunity to make new friends, create memories, and to have fun sharing your strengths in barefooting. Sign up today by emailing: If you have ever wanted to compete, learn, or watch barefoot waterskiing now is the time. Women today welcome you in getting started, so that we together can build a sport for newcomers tomorrow. Get involved, make it happen, Barefoot Chick Fest 6/19/10!