Ed McMahon?

This video has been slowly circulating through the interwebs (curious about what the interwebs are, check out the CRB for furth explanations.)  Anywho, one of the first things that jumps out you in this video is the voice of Ed McMahon and he’s announcing a TV segment about barefooting.

He makes a big deal about the skiers at Cypress Gardens trying to stay dry, but the despite hat odd bit of announcing, the story features some classic footage of some old school barefooting.  No barefoot suits, no padded shorts, nothing but a swim trunks and a yellowish life vest.  The vid features Jerry Atkinson barefooting in less than most people would consider doing it today.  What made me laugh is the footage of the “tumble turn”.  It was anything but clean, kinda looked like me trying one, but the difference waws he made it back around.  Me, not so much.

Enjoy the footing, the steller music and the voice of Ed McMahon.

’72 Footing

Where are my Cheez-Its?

While the CRB and Lake of Sin feud over an old cooler (that's gotta be just about empty by now since no one refills it), a paddle and a Lappy, I'm looking for my Cheez-Its so I can watch 24? I'm not sure who's going to star in 24 now that Nola has taken out Jake Baurer (still not completely sure how that happened?) Personally, I'm hoping Jack's daughter somehow saves him without getting kidnapped.

Personally, I think the CRB just needs to give up their quest and buy themselves a new cooler… maybe something like this…

I personally don't think that will hold enough "beverages" for the CRB'ers though. (I do think it'll fit there style perfectly)  They might need something a little bigger like this…

But even that might not be big enough… This one might actually be able to satisfy their thirst…
That cooler doesn't have beer in it, but it might just be big enough to handle the beer needs of the CRB crew.
Meanwhile, I'll continue to look for a new source of Cheez-Its since CRB and the Lake of Sin have purchasing all of them for the nefarious needs.  I'll offer up my casa to Nola if she wants to lay low for a while.

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